IT Watch
Thursday, March 25, 2004
The Register
IT Must Earn Respect Anew - Computerworld
Inferiority Complex - Reality Bytes - CIO Magazine Mar 15,2004
CIO | Making IT Matter
Managing IT According to a Hierarchy of Needs
Computerworld's Premier 100 IT Leaders Conference Draws Record Crowd of Top Technology Executives
IT Passion = IT Power - Computerworld
Monday, February 16, 2004
IT: What's Here to Stay--And What's Not
Trippi's Two Americas
Panelists debate whether IT offers competitive edge
InfoWorld: Get technology right
Pay as you go Services Key to Making IT Matter for Business
Monday, February 02, 2004
Carr now appears to be twisting the story from that he set out in his original article. In this latest piece he writes, "What I set out to do in the article is show that technology can have a profound, even transformative, effect on economies, industries, and business processes without necessarily influencing the competitive fortunes of individual firms. Much of the critical response to the article, interestingly enough, has continued to reflect an inability to (or a conscious decision not to) distinguish the broad, macro effects of IT innovations from their more micro effects on individual companies."

Digital Renderings
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Infoconomy - On the death of IT strategy
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
IT Planning: Cultivating Innovation and Value: Syllabus
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Consultants Briefing - Value Discovery: A Better Way to Prioritize IT Investments - Analyst Corner - CIO | Column: What Does IT Mean? | Garbani: Packaged apps may not matter, but networks do
CIO Asia - Issue - The Evolution of IT
Tech bigwigs dispute guru's pessimism - News & Technology - CNETAsia
Fast Company | Technology Doesn't Matter -- but Only at Harvard (James Champy) It's what you do with IT that matters
From the Editor: Java vs. Microsoft, act II-
Computerworld | Panel: Be skeptical, not complacent about IT
RED HERRING | The Business of Technology
Monday, November 03, 2003
ZDNet UK - Comment - Does it matter if IT matters? Yes and no
R&D globalization puts Asia on the fore
A place to collect stuff related to the "IT Doesnt Matter" debate initiated by Nicholas Carr and analyzed in the book IT Doesn't Matter-Business Processes Do


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